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Ve VAŠEM prostoru redakce Totemu nezodpovídá za obsah jednotlivých příspěvků.
I might not
Autor: Boobis Typewriter (Občasný) - publikováno 2.7.2008 (11:42:01)

and I don't


to yo

and to your words

no more

(I know that's improper and maybe


to your types

I just love

the sound

of them

(and the melody

and the the rhythm)

they flow by

and around

and I

keep nodding

my head

(all the way


to the river

high and low

I said

(I am in love

in my head)

on the waves

and their lullabies.


It's raing

raining on me

the rocking boat

putting me asleep


listening to your words

making out

figuring out

the sense the sounds the rhytm

of them



me -

- falling in love?

I might believe

in your words - although

I might not listen...and

...I might not

and I don't.


Poznámky k tomuto příspěvku
Lumiik (Občasný) - 4.7.2008 >
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