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1844 zavjétor móžuplachetnice Autor: APV (Stálý) - publikováno 8.9.2020 (00:57:59)
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1844 zavjétor móžuplachetnice
11.8.2020 5:13:15
fčérasamaparádnevoplatila kúpačkanabarče. velkéhafoplachetníc brásdilovodu, pretožefúkal docelasylnyvjétor ajasomsa konečnedosvedel akotentoprýrodnejúkas vlastnefsniká. vracalsomsa splávačky aubrehusacákaly dvajamalýchalani. právekeťsomboluních, takjeden, patrneten býstrejšýprcek, zavolal:
"mamavjéšže fšechentenvjétortady robjatjélode?"
mamamu ybalenprytakala "hm" ataksomsahovopýtal:
"naozajtorobja tjelode? ajak, prosímťa?
noakovonivotáčej temaplachtama, taksteho jetenvjétoravlny!"
1844 sailboats can for the wind
yesterday a swimsuit at barborka paid off nicely. a large hafo of sailboats waded through the water as the wind was quite strong and I finally learned how this natural phenomenon actually arises. I was returning with a swim and two little guys were splashing by the shore. just when I was with them, one, probably the smarter squirrel, called out:
"Mom, do you know all that wind here makes those boats here?"
his mom just called "hm" and so I asked him:
"Are those ships really doing that? And how, please?
Well, as they turn the sails around, so is the wind and the waves!"