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1800 kakejpepýčku Autor: APV (Stálý) - publikováno 4.9.2020 (05:00:00)
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1800 kakejpepýčku
24.6.2020 5:45:45
bolsom navoslavevoteckovej 8desjatky, ktorúmalpretfčerom apretrokom. fčerasom prýtomnýmprečítal klasu "moraprácenazahrade" atondasama potemvopýtal:
"proč pýšeš slovensky?
tomyporadil laďa menčík, dyšřekl:
my končíme na záchytce a voni "fysbyčke prevopylcou." slovenčina jelapšja.
aktemupovedal strýko, ktoréhomojy starámamasdetkom pomenovalypomne:
"tojetoysté akosruštinou, vonimajú:
serjožo amy kakejpepýčku!"
1800 howl small peppe
I was at the celebration of my father's tenth, which he had the day before yesterday and a year ago. yesterday I read to the audience the ear of "sea of work in the garden" and tonda then asked me:
"why are you proud
That's what the little guy advised me when he said:
we end up on the catch and they "in the drunk room." Slovak is better.
And his uncle, whom my grandmother and grandfather had named after me, said,
"It's the same as with Russian, they have:
serjožo and we have some pepper!"