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1887 rady karla rady Autor: APV (Stálý) - publikováno 6.10.2020 (00:13:14)
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1887 rady karla rady
23.9. 2020 5:58:55
fčérasomsapočučal nafutbalovýzápas pomedzyfutbalystkamyma polant ačechlant, ktorýčechlantky vyhraly 0:2 - pýšemtakto, pretožesahralo fpolandovy. apýšempreto, žesahralobesdivákof abolytedapočuť pokynofkytrenérou, ktorýchnaholkyvykrykovaly. fjednuchvýlu tokomentírvokomentoval:
"samymóžetepočuť tjé rady karla rady, ktorésúpočuť."
1887 council of karla council
yesterday I watched a football match between the Polish and Czech footballers, which the Czechs won 0: 2 - I write like this because it was played in Poland. and I write because it was played without spectators and so the instructions of the coaches, who shouted at the girls, could be heard. at one point the commentator commented:
"You can hear those counsel of Charles's counsel that you can hear."