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1970 jeproste pryrodzeneyntelygentá Autor: APV (Stálý) - publikováno 28.12.2020 (00:12:01)
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1970 jeproste pryrodzeneyntelygentá
15.12. 2020 11:22:11
nacelúkafjareň jednafčérapovedala:
"podľajejnázoru tojesamejdoktor, samejynžeňjér... totojamaťnemusým. janemám žjadentytul, jahovóbecnepotrebujem. hele, nechjetodocent, práfnik alebosmetijar, alekeťjetoproste dobrejčlovek, takjápójdem stýmsmetijarom, tomyvóbecnerobý žjadenproblém. keťmarodičofjanútily ýsťdoškoly, jasompovedalanije, jasytourobýmpodľasvójho. janikamnechcem, janechcembyť nikamtlačená, jasapotrebujemroshodnúť podľaseba, podľasvójhorozuma. zakašdým, keťmaniéktonútil, jasomsyproste urobylavlastnýnázor asomsyhopresadila.
japroste žjadnuškolunemám, alesompryrodzeneyntelygentá.
votprvejvety, čosompočul, somvedel, žejetaká.
1970 is simply naturally intelligent
for the whole cafe one yesterday said:
"In her opinion, it's the doctor herself, the engineer herself ... I don't have to have this. I don't have a degree, I don't need it at all. Look, whether it's an associate professor, a lawyer or a garbage man, but if he's just a good person, I I'll go with that garbage man, it doesn't bother me at all, when my parents forced me to go to school, I said no, I'll do it my way, I don't want to go anywhere, I don't want to be pushed anywhere, I need to decide according to myself, according to every time someone forced me, I just formed my own opinion and enforced it.
I just don't have a school, but I'm naturally intelligent.
still pepper:
from the first sentence I heard, I knew it was like that.