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Ve VAŠEM prostoru redakce Totemu nezodpovídá za obsah jednotlivých příspěvků.
jedinečná samička Kateřina ozdobička Plzně a tak podobně
Autor: mystikus (Stálý) - publikováno 19.7.2013 (14:55:26)


PUNTA až do puntíku magická romantická atmosféra

když do říše tak přání ve dvou okysličená chiméra

pro nejkrásnější Julii v prostoru a letech vystupuje jako žena neohrožená

ta chiméra je rostlinka v botanické estrádě pokoušená

do říše smyslné dobromyslné nepovadlé lásky

nepotřebuje mít klíč ani spoustu výmluv chásky

pro Kateřinu sálající plamen pro snílky renesanci

pro Malcolma jazz a PARIS pro Mantronix eleganci

noc je fáro ke hvězdám pegase s milostí vyhání

neotálí s hudební paletou, mé vyznání neotálí s poznáním

v hudebním rejstříku je ukryta rezonance

pověst má dědice s trochou hojivé vášně regenerace

nepropůjčuj svoji duši finančním poradcům a machinačním hokynářům

nejsi přece banka, ale Manka pro Rumcajse terčík, čas a zručnost nechybějící hodinářům

yeah milostná vzplanutí nadiktovala milostné řádky

s písmenky Mantronix se Kateřina exploze dostává do pohádky

s kouzly a triky mistrů bez králíků v kloubouku

nejsem přece Pokustón ale tón Sibylin trénuju v klidu na palouku

jako přírodní útvar sladič kávy slavík slaví nepopiratelnou kantilénu

rád navštívím Praděd, Karlovu Studánku, Kateřinu vezmu dál od mantinelu

mantic je věštecký prorocký, kočičí matika je revoluční rovnice

vypočtu její schopnosti, parametry tak neodolatelného jedince!

božská zemská přitažlivost lásky v proudu nedělní chvilky poetické

nemusí se strojit, může působit naze ve snaze oslovit široké pole magnetické

je veliký kus šarmu a to kus, který zachraňuje zázrak a naopak

je štramanda mezi rychlou rotou a mou notou hravou až do oblak

Misty D - Out on a limb

V pondělí 22.7. bude v Plzni na Americké ul. v podniku Alfa ke slyšení podnikavá alfa-sestra Jayanti: přednáška dostala název: JAK SI ZACHOVAT RADOST i v přetěžkém období, vstup zdarma a v šest večer.

Narozena jako můj otec.

1949: Sister Jayanti was born in India. 

 Her family moved to England when she was 8 years old. She began her life´s path of spiritual study and service with the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University at the age of 19.

 Sister Jayanti has been involved in Interfaith work for over 25 years. This has included positions as: 

 1998- : Member of the Inter-religious Friendship Group, with HH The Dalai Lama 

 1991 - : Member of the Executive Committee of the World Congress of Faiths.

 1996-2001: Member of the Advisory Committee of the International Interfaith Centre. 

 1993: Advisor to the Council for a Parliament of the World´s Religions, Chicago. 

 1974-1979: Member of the Standing Conference on Interfaith Dialogue in Religious Education, UK.

Spiritual peace talk

Sister Jayanti has made her life into a tireless work for peace and women´s rights. She bridges Eastern wisdom and Western education. She is European Director of the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University (BKWSU) and their NGO Representative to the United Nations, Geneva. In her speeches Sister Jayanti tells about how to live a spiritual life in a complex world through meditation and God´s Healing Power of Love.

For more than 30 years, Sister Jayanti has travelled widely as a speaker, broadcaster and emissary for peace. She has co-ordinated several projects in connection with Women, Development, the Environment and Youth.

 Sister Jayanti is European Co-ordinator for the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University and assists in co-ordinating the University´s activities in over 84 countries. 

 Sister Jayanti delivers a unique blend of Eastern wisdom and Western education and culture. She has a unique ability to impart the deepest spiritual truths with the utmost clarity. Her prominent lecture themes have included health, education, racial harmony, women´s needs, religions of the world, peace and international relations, all of which have generated a lot of media interest. 

 She was a delegate to the International Women’s Year Conference, Berlin in 1975, which heralded the start of the United Nations Decade for Women, and women’s issues have remained especially close to her heart. 

 Sister Jayanti sees the erosion of spiritual values at the heart of the underlying cause of the crises that the world is facing today. She has worked tirelessly to promote positive, human, spiritual values to all sectors of society. 

 In 1980 she was appointed the University´s main representative to the UN in Geneva. This has led her to participate in many UN Conferences and projects in connection with Women, Development, the Environment, Youth and a major international project for the United Nations International Year of Peace. She has therefore undertaken extensive research into the role of spiritual values in world change.

 Sister Jayanti is an Advisor to the Council for a Parliament of the World´s Religions and gave a major presentation at the Parliament itself. She is also a member of Executive Committee of the World Congress of Faiths and is a member of the Advisory Body of the International Interfaith Centre.

 At the 20th World Conference of the Society for International Development in the Netherlands in 1991 she drew attention to the need to re-affirm faith in the dignity and worth of the human person (as proclaimed in the preamble to the Charter of the United Nations). 

... dignity and worth are sadly only too often sacrificed in the name of solutions to these (world) problems. To re-assert this dignity and worth as much careful attention must be given to human development and enrichment as is being given to economic development or environmental protection. No political, economic, social or environmental system can fulfil its purpose unless peoples´ lifestyles, and value-systems correspond to the sustained continuity of that system or state of affairs. The quality of any society or community is no better or worse than the personal qualities of its members, and to achieve economic growth and social development it is crucial to achieve personal growth. Without this the very building blocks of any ´new world order´ will themselves be the downfall of that order…

Author: Karin Bergquist

Caroline Lavelle - Forget The Few 

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